
Disneyization and globalisation has impact New Zealand culture, tourism and society in one way or another. New Zealand indeed has an increase in the number of themed environments being set up as compared to the past, such as restaurants, hotels and theme parks.  However, it is only with theming will New Zealand be able to stand out and be different from the others. It will create unique and eye opening experience and thus create a more appealing and captivation impression.

Disneyization happens due to globalisation as this is a globally adaptable way to attract consumers by creating illusion of diversity in a way that supports global market needs for mass consumption. Without changes, without Disneyization, New Zealand will never be able to exceed their tourism statistic and profile. People always say that they want authenticity. However, if New Zealand always stay the same and close their door to changes and investor, travellers will get sick of the country one day as well.

I agree that the Maori culture in New Zealand is one of the main factor that helps to sustain tourism. As cultural tourism are getting more popular, people will tend to travel to New Zealand to experience the Maori culture that it offers and this will in return improve the economy and increase tourism receipt.

In conclusion, there is a close relationship between culture, tourism and society and they interlink with one another. Without society, culture will not exist and without culture, there will be no tourism. However, due to tourism, it has cause many negative impacts on the culture which lead to change in the society.