Authenticity and Tourism Impact

From a tourist point of view, I feel that New Zealand still has its own unique culture that represent themselves and one that attracts tourists which will contribute to the tourism sector. With the increase in immigrants mostly coming from the European countries, New Zealand has been modified and cause damage to the Maori culture. Therefore, Maori culture of the New Zealand and the country itself are no longer authentic.  

It can clearly be seen that the immigrants and tourists have bring negative impacts to the traditional culture. Firstly is the dilution of culture. When the immigrants settle down in New Zealand, they will be bringing a certain practise of their own culture with them and when they get along with the local, they will influence them in one way or another. As for tourists, when they travel to New Zealand, they would also practise their own culture and when they interact with the local, they will get influence leading to dilution of culture.

It also affects the lifestyle of the local as tourists will be competing resources with them. Some of the local might not be comfortable with the tourists and will feel that they are invading their space.  

Next, commodification. In the past, the Maoris only perform and showcase their dance during special occasions or happy occasions. However, nowadays, in order to attract more tourists to visit New Zealand, the Maori culture has been promoted as one of the unique selling point or must see ‘attraction’ in the country. The Maori performers actual perform their culture to the tourist in a theatre and if tourists want to watch, all they need to do is to pay money and they get to watch it. As a tourist, I feel that the culture has lost its original value as people no longer treasure it as they could see it as and when they like. This has thus contributed to the lost in its authenticity.

Additionally, there are always two sides to a story. Even though there are some modifications in the present Maori culture, there are still a certain level of authenticity and postive impact that tourism can bring. As mentioned, traditional arts like weaving, carving, kappa haka, whaikorero and moko are still being practise by the Maori in the New Zealand. The traditional cravers has also create intricate works  that was being created by the past to pay respect. On top of that, with tourism, it can helps to sustain Maori culture as well. When travellers travel to New Zealand, they will get to know about their culture and this will help in reviving, spread and preserve their culture so that it could be passed on to the future generations.